A new update of the Quality Check Software Kit is available for download. It includes the new QCS 2.1.1 and the latest version of the CVS Data Layout Converter, the tool used to check the compatibility of the incidence file format with the QCS… more
The ENCR General Assembly took place on the 14th November, on the occasion of the ENCR-IACR Scientific Conference 2023 in Granada, Spain. The ENCR Steering Committee presented its activities for the term 2021-2023 and the EC Joint Research Centre presented the activities of the European Cancer… more
Ten representatives from European Cancer Registries have sent their candidature to the elections of the ENCR Steering Committee for the term 2024-2026. The CV and motivation letter from each candidate are available for consultation. The election… more
The Dutch Cancer Atlas, launched in January 2023 by the Netherlands Comprehensive Cancer Organisation (IKNL) is now available also in English.  The interactive online atlas shows geographical patterns… more
The new Quality Check Software Kit is now available for download. It includes the new QCS 2.1 and the latest version of the CVS Data Layout Converter, the tool used to check the compatibility of the incidence file format with the QCS according to… more
The Comprehensive Cancer Organisation Netherlands (IKNL) invites all European Cancer Registries interested for an online symposium on the 30th of November.
The ENCR Scientific Meeting 2021 will be organised virtually this year, over three half-days.
The ENCR Scientific meeting will turn virtual in 2021 with three half-days on 16-17-18 November. We will soon publish the topics and dates for abstracts submission and conference registration.
The course is organised as a deliverable of the iPAAC Joint Action on Cancer, Work Package 7, Task 7.6, in collaboration with the EC Joint Research Centre and the ENCR Steering Committee.
The course is organised by the Cluj Regional Cancer Registry with the support from the EC Joint Research Centre and the ENCR Steering Committee. It will provide basic knowledge on methods for data collection, coding, processing and analysis of data, with a section dedicated to childhood cancer… more
IARC, Lyon (France), 25 to 29 November 2013 The Paediatric Oncology for Cancer Registries is a unique course, organized by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in the framework of the European Network for Cancer Research in Children and Adolescents (ENCCA), a Network of… more
Izmir (Turkey), 30 September to 4 October 2013 The aim of the training is to provide cancer registries staff with an understanding of good practices and procedures to establish/improve their registries and harmonise their process for collection of cancer data. This will facilitate inter-… more
Training of registry staff helps to increase the quality and comparability of cancer registry data - one of the aims of the ENCR. In order to maintain a standard course content, a core curriculum has been established, based on a collection of previously-used teaching materials. In addition,… more
JRC and ENCR organised on 3-4 May 2017 a training event on Cancer Data Collection and Comparability with one day devoted to issues related to data collection, and the second day to quality aspects of data analysis. A specific session on childhood cancer registration was included. The course was… more
A Training Workshop on Quality of Cancer Registry Data took place on 5 October 2016, as a side event to the Scientific Meeting and General Assembly. About 50 participants attended the workshop which covered the process of data quality evaluation, methods for assessing the completeness of data,… more