This User Insights Survey is part of the… more
The Organisation The National Cancer Registry is an essential part of Ireland’s efforts to successfully control cancer, reducing its impact on individuals, families and society. The National Cancer Registry (“NCRI”) was established by the Minister for Health in 1991 by Statutory Instrument and is… more
The 2022 cancer incidence and mortality estimates for EU-27 and European countries have been published in the European Cancer Information System (ECIS) at… more
The ENCR working group on treatment data harmonisation has completed its work and proposes a new set of recommendations that are now in the consultation phase to the registries.… more
Breast Cancer Now has funded a survey to study how COVID-19 has affected breast cancer services for anyone who has received a breast cancer diagnosis (not just women) and facilitate the patient voice in relation to the impact of COVID-19. Access the… more
The training was organised by the JRC, ENCR, IARC and the Slovenian Cancer Registry. JRC and ENCR were responsible for the training on 21-22 Nov, the agenda is available here.
The IACR (International Association of Cancer Registries) and the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries (NAACCR) organise a combined conference of NAACCR and IACR. The conference will take place 9–13 June  2019, in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Registration is now open… more
JRC and ENCR organised on 5-6 June 2019 a training on Cancer Registry Data Coding at the JRC, Ispra, Italy. The agenda is available here.
The Group for Cancer Epidemiology and Registration in Latin Language Countries - GRELL, established in 1976, promotes epidemiological cancer research, mainly through the registration of cases in geographically defined populations. GRELL is organising the 2019 edition of its Ascension annual meeting… more