The ENCR-JRC project on cancer incidence and mortality in Europe was launched in 2015 by the ENCR Steering Committee and JRC to set up a standardised and comparable database for monitoring cancer incidence and mortality in the European Union and to provide regular information on the burden of cancer in Europe.
Participation of the European Cancer Registries
Number of Cancer Registries applying to the ENCR-JRC data call and to the ENCR-JRC project in the 2015 data call to cancer registries.
Geographic distribution of the general Cancer Registries (all cancer sites and all ages) that have submitted data to the ENCR-JRC project, as part of the 2015 call for data:

Orange: Cancer Registries participating in the ENCR-JRC Project
Green: Cancer Registries not yet participating in the ENCR-JRC Project
Outputs of the project
The outputs of the ENCR-JRC Project include incidence and mortality indicators at registry level by cancer site, sex, age group, calendar period and geographic area.Data are aggregated in maps, table and charts, for absolute numbers and rates (crude, age-specific and age-standardised).
Results from the project have been included into the European Cancer Information System (ECIS).
Cancer Registries submit their data files through the ENCR-JRC Portal, thus benefiting from:- High security and speed of data transfer
- Automated data submission and acknowledgement
- One submission for several European/international projects
- Record keeping of all transactions performed to allow transparency and accountability