VACANCY NOTICE – 2023-IPR-F1-FGIV-023016 FG IV - Scientific Project Officer – Public health data analyst The current vacancy is with the Disease Prevention Unit of the Directorate for Health and Food, supporting EU policies in public health for promoting excellence and equality of healthcare in… more
VACANCY NOTICE – 2023-GEE-F1-FGIV-022918 CA FGIV - Project Officer – Guideline activities on cancer screening The current vacancies are in Unit JRC.F1 Disease Prevention. Within its Directorate for Health and Food, the Disease Prevention Unit supports EU policies in public health for promoting… more
VACANCY NOTICE – 2023-GEE-F1-FGIV-022917 CA FGIV - Project Officer – Quality assurance activities on cancer The current vacancies are in Unit JRC.F1 Disease Prevention. Within its Directorate for Health and Food, the Disease Prevention Unit supports EU policies in public health for promoting… more
The Fondo Elena Moroni for Oncology announces  that the contest for The Enrico Anglesio Prize 2023 and Satellite Prizes Elvo Tempia and Sharon Whelan will open soon. The 2023 edition of the Prize will be in conjunction with the ENCR-IACR 2023 Scientific Conference on 14-16 November, in Granada… more
A new report was recently published by the EC Joint Research Centre in collaboration with the ENCR Steering Committee on Common Data Quality Check procedure for European Cancer Registries. The checks included in this report are implemented in the validation of the data submitted by European Cancer… more
The 2018 ENCR Scientific Meeting and General Assembly is organised jointly by the European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC) and the ENCR Steering Committee, with the support from the Danish Cancer Registry and the Danish Cancer Society.
The European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC), the ENCR and EUROCARE organised a training on basic statistical analysis of cancer registry data European Commission Joint Research Centre in Ispra, Italy.
The training on data coding, was organised jointly by the ENCR Steering Committee and the European Commission Joint Research Centre. The aim was to improve comparability and harmonisation, particularly on coding topography/morphology and stage.
JRC and ENCR organised on 3-4 May 2017 a training on Cancer Data Collection and Comparability with one day devoted to issues related to data collection, and the second day to quality aspects of data analysis. A specific session on childhood cancer registration was included.
The Paediatric Oncology for Cancer Registries is a unique course, organized by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in the framework of the European Network for Cancer Research in Children and Adolescents (ENCCA), a Network of Excellence funded by the European Commission in FP7.… more