ENCR Recommendations

Marked differences in practice exist between cancer registries, for example, with respect to data sources, definitions and processing methods.
To make cancer registry data comparable, which is one of the main aims of the Network, it is important that common rules and definitions are used.


TitleYear of PublicationLink
Treatment Data Recording2025EN
Recording Recurrence, Progression and Transformation Episodes2025EN
Central Nervous System Tumours2024EN
Standard dataset2023EN ES FR
Basis of Diagnosis2022EN ES FR RO DE
Cancer cases in migrant population2022EN FR ES
Recording and Reporting of Urothelial Tumours2022EN ES FR RO
Incidence Date2022EN ES FR DE RO
The Toronto Childhood Cancer Stage Guidelines2016Read more
Common data quality checks for European cancer registries2023, updated 2024EN
Haematological cancers2014EN Position paper
Data protection2012EN Position paper
Multiple Primaries2004EN
Bladder Tumours1995EN FR DE ES
Tumours of the Brain and Central Nervous System1998EN
Non-Melanoma Skin Cancers2000EN
Method of Detection in Relation to Screening2001EN
Confidentiality in Cancer registration2002EN FR
Condensed TNM for Coding the Extent of Disease2002EN FR
Structured Registry Review EN