ENCR e-learning modules on Cancer Coding
The European Network of Cancer Registries and the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, in collaboration with eCancer, have developed online modules for e-learning for cancer registrars.
The modules aim to facilitate the training of cancer registrars in coding topography, morphology and cancer stage, implementing the relevant international classifications. The e-learning mode allows for self-paced training at the most convenient time, navigation through the content of the lessons, using subtitles, and taking a quiz for obtaining a certificate. The modules are accredited and are accessible here: https://ecancer.org/en/elearning/course/46-coding-a-cancer-case-topography-morphology-and-stage
The topics include:
- ICD-O-3: Coding Primary Site and Tumour Morphology
- Coding Stage in Cancer Registries: General Principles and Introduction to classifications
- Haematological malignancies: Coding Topography, Morphology and Stage
- Tumours of the central nervous system: Coding Topography, Morphology and Stage
- Lung cancer: Coding Topography, Morphology and Stage
- Neuroendocrine Neoplasms (NENs): Coding Topography, Morphology and Stage
- Colorectal cancer: Coding issues
- Breast cancer: Coding issues
- Urothelial tumours of the Urinary Tractcancer: Coding issues
- Hepatobiliary & pancreas: Coding issues
- Sarcoma: Coding issues
- Diagnosis and treatment of cancer in the 21st century