Data calls for the European Cancer Information System
The ENCR and the JRC (Joint Research Centre of the European Commission) started a collaboration in 2015 aimed at setting up a comparable database of European cancer registries (CRs) data, to provide regular information on the burden of cancer in the European Union and neighboring countries. This database is at the core of the European Cancer Information System (ECIS), as the web-tool reporting and disseminating cancer burden statistics and trends across Europe. The first data call to the ENCR registries was launched in 2015 to feed ECIS.
Starting from 2022, the JRC has established a Collaboration Agreement with the ENCR registries, aimed at structuring and formalizing collaboration on scientific activities, training, and the data provision for ECIS. The purpose and conditions of all data processing operations at the JRC are accessible in a data protection record.
A second call to update ECIS was launched in late 2022 and validation of collected data is currently ongoing.
Status of the 2022 Data Call

ECIS 2022 data call submissions, map interim coverage 20.01.2025.
ECIS 2022 data call validation, interim status 2001.2025.
The release of the updated version of the JRC-ENCR Quality Checks software (QCS 2.1) in November 2023 was an essential step that will allow the validation to progress faster, ensuring comparability of the cancer registries data across Europe.
While the validation of the data has initiated its 2nd phase, with planned publication during 2024, CRs having already submitted data but with more recent incidence data available are invited to update their submission according to the data call instructions below.
Periodic data calls to update ECIS
Contribution to update the ECIS database will be accepted on a rolling basis, and submissions received by 31 January of each year will be considered for the annual update of the ECIS indicators.
Data submission portal
The portal hosted by the JRC on a secure server, will handle the submission of individual-level data following the European Commission rules on data protection. The data submission portal will be continually open to allow data submission at any time, preferably yearly. Please consult the portal user manual for instructions.
Data Call Protocol
Cancer Registries data should be submitted according to the latest version of the data call protocol.
Data Call questionnaire
The questionnaire can be filled in here. Please note that filling in the questionnaire is required to complete the data submission.
Please contact the ENCR Secretariat at the Joint Research Centre should you need any support.