The ENCR Scientific Meeting and General Assembly is a bi-annual event bringing together cancer registries in Europe. Participants get to share research findings, discuss cancer registration issues, exchange ideas and best practices, network, present epidemiological work based on cancer registry data and finally meet their representatives, the ENCR Steering Committee.
The 2018 Scientific Meeting was organised under the overarching topic "Data linkage and Cancer Registries".
The organisation of the event was co-chaired by the European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC) and the Danish Cancer Society, with support from the ENCR Steering Committee.
Read more about the Conference programme and presentations.
Publication is conditional on the explicit consent by the authors.
Session 1 - Data linkage methods and cancer registries |
Using linked primary care data to investigate patients presenting with non-specific but concerning symptoms | Clare Pearson |
The impact of individual, household and neighbourhood income on lung and colon cancer survival in Belgium | Michael Rosskamp |
Linking the Netherlands Cancer Registry to the Dutch Pathology Registry | Annette Bruggink |
Linkages between cancer registries and administrative data to study late effects in cancer survivors | Alice Bernasconi | towards a distributed learning network for cancer registries | Gijs Geleijnse |
Application of data linkage methods and procedures at the National Cancer Registry of Ukraine | Anton Ryzhov |
Keynote lecture |
Record Linkage Methods: opportunities and challenges Les Mery, IARC |
Session 2 - Estimation and dissemination of cancer burden in Europe– Part 1 |
Cancer of Unknown Primary (CUP): epidemiology in Germany compared to other European countries and the United States | Sylke Ruth Zeissig |
Estimating fractions of cancers attributable to socioeconomic inequalities in Slovenia | Vesna Zadnik |
Hairy cell leukaemia: incidence, prevalence and survival in Europe. Findings from RARECAREnet | Charlene M. McShane |
Incidence trends of hematological malignancies in Belgium 2004-15: impact of the residence on chronic myeloid disorders | Frédéric Calay |
2017 projections of cancer incidence in Granada, Southeast Spain | Daniel Redondo-Sánchez |
Childhood cancer incidence in Estonia: time trends since the 1970s | Keiu Paapsi |
Keynote lecture |
Occupational cancer and use of Cancer Registries Eero Pukkala, Finish Cancer Registry |
Session 3 - Estimation and dissemination of cancer burden in Europe– Part 2 |
Prediction of cancer prevalence in Austria up to the year 2030 | Monika Hackl |
Are melanoma fatal cases decreasing in Europe? | Roberto Zanetti |
Identifying and counting people living with treatable but not curable cancer in the England cancer registry | Rachel White |
Cancer in the oldest-old–time trends and future burden, a Danish nationwide study | Klaus Kaae Andersen |
Life expectancy of Italian cancer patients | Laura Botta |
Improvement in cancer survival in the Nordic countries 2001-2015 | Gerda Engholm |
Session 4 - Clinical databases and population based cancer registries – Part 1 |
Pattern of comorbidities among colorectal cancer patients and impact on treatment and short-term survival | Miguel Ángel Luque-Fernández |
Risk of developing gynecological cancer in Germany corrected for women no longer at risk after hysterectomy | Klaus Kraywinkel |
The use of information on stage and treatment from cancer registries for the evaluation of treatment patterns | Francesco Giusti |
Diversity of first-line palliative systemic treatments for esophagogastric cancer patients with synchronous metastases | Rob Verhoeven |
Comparison of quality indicators concerning breast cancer care on a national and hospital level | Jan Nygård |
Geographic variability in adherence to clinical practice guidelines for skin malignant melanoma in Spain | Marcela Guevara |
Keynote lecture |
Population based cancer registration and clinical databases in cancer epidemiology and health services research Henrik Møller, Danish Clinical Registries |
Session 5 - Clinical databases and population based cancer registries – Part 2 |
Endocrine therapy after breast cancer diagnosis: a proof of concept study using the primary care prescription database | Gabrielle Emanuel |
Use of cancer registry data to estimate the cancer risk of recipients of liver transplants | Diego Serraino |
Comparison of the Danish Cancer Register and the Danish Renal Cancer Database | Bolette Danckert |
Emergency admissions for cancer patients in last year of life in Northern Ireland (NI) | Victoria Cairnduff |
Metadata in the Cancer Registry of Norway –performing FAIR with ELVIS | Siri Larønningen |
Regional differences and trends in mastectomy rates in relation to socioeconomic disparities and screening patterns | Christian Herrmann |
Keynote lecture |
The Diet, Cancer and Health study – a prospective cohort study Anne Tjønneland, Danish Cancer Society Research Centre |
Session 6a - Biobanks and cancer registries |
The use of biomarkers in treatment patterns and survival outcomes of metastatic non-squamous non-small cell lung cancer | Rodrigo Murteira |
Cancers in families with early onset probands | Janne Pitkäniemi |
PALGA Portal, the Dutch National Cancer Tissue Portal; a nationwide app for requesting tumor pathology data and tissues | Annette Bruggink |
Session 6b - Data quality, control, and standards for cancer registries – Part 1 |
Can we improve and make more useful the urothelial tumours registration? First results of a GRELL collaborative study | Jaume Galceran |
Variations in surgical oncology –Improvement through mapping | Kasper Wennervaldt |
The challenges, methods and benefits of implementing of ISO27001: 2013 in the Northern Ireland Cancer Registry | Ronan Campbell |
Session 7 - Data quality, control, and standards for cancer registries – Part 2 |
The stage for childhood cancers: the JARC pilot study | Gemma Gatta |
Completeness of childhood cancer data in the Finnish Cancer Registry | Nea Malila |
Identification of recurrences in the new German cancer registration by example of gynaecological tumours in Hamburg | Alice Nennecke |
Comparison of coding diagnosis, localisation and histology via ICD-10 and ICD-O-3 between coders and a gold standard | Sylke Ruth Zeissig |
Indicators of data qualiy at the Cancer Registry Zurich and Zug in Switzerland | Miriam Wanner |
Automatic extraction of Gleason combined score, primary and secondary grades from written pathology reports | Kris Henau |
Data linkage methods and cancer registries |
Low education level and cancer: incidence and mortality risk pattern. Ieva Vincerzevskiene, Domantas Jasilionis, Giedre Smailyte |
Evaluation of a national lung cancer awareness campaign in Wales. Ciarán Slyne, Lucy Ironmonger, Kate Brain, Grace McCutchan, Jodie Moffat, Katie Connor, Stephanie Smits, Rebecca Thomas, Dyfed Huws |
The Castile and Leon Childhood Cancer Registry (CLCCR). Using several electronic sources for quality standards. Pilar Gutiérrez, Rufino Álamo Sanz, María García López, Hermenegildo González García, Juan Pablo Martínez Badas, Ana Vegas Álvarez, Raquel Portugal Rodríguez, Maica Mendoza Sánchez, Felipe Rubio Rodríguez, Ana Lucía Martinez Jimenez, et al. |
Using English Cancer Registry linked data to assess diagnostic pathway variation for colorectal and lung cancers. Clare Pearson, Jess Fraser, Jon Shelton |
Estimation and dissemination of cancer burden in Europe |
Survival in the Central region of Portugal in some selected topographies: 2003-2010. Joana Bastos, Branca Carrito |
Increasing kidney cancer incidence and survival in Estonia: role of gender, age and stage. Kaire Innos, Teesi Sepp, Aleksei Baburin, Andres Kotsar, Katrin Lang, Peeter Padrik, Tiiu Aareleid |
Are there differences in treatment and survival between men and women with colorectal cancer? Manuela Limam, Katarina L. Matthes, Giulia Pestoni, Leonhard Held, Dimitri Korol, Silvia Dehler, Sabine Rohrmann |
Pilot study on patient experiences in Germany using an adaptation of the Danish National Cancer Patient Questionnaire. Christiane Rudolph, Gitte Stentebjerg Petersen, Hans Storm, Ron Pritzkuleit, Alexander Katalinic |
Myeloproliferative neoplasms– incidence, prevalence and survival across Europe. Laura Cowan, Anna T. Gavin, Eileen Morgan, Charlene M. McShane, Lesley A Anderson, on behalf of RARECAREnet working group |
Epidemiology of cervical dysplasia and carcinoma after the onset of an HPV vaccination programme in Navarra (Spain). Guillermo Ezpeleta, Marcela Guevara, Rosa Guarch, María Aldareguía, M. Isabel Eciolaza, Marta Ibarra, Rosana Burgui, Yugo Floristán, Conchi Moreno-Iribas, Eva Ardanaz |
Regional differences in 5-year net survivals of selected cancers in Poland. Anna Zielinska, Aleksandra Gliniewicz, Dorota Dudek-Godeau, Katarzyna Kwiatkowska, Ryszard Me˛yk, Magdalena Bielska-Lasota |
Is high socioeconomic status associated with earlier detection of breast cancer in young women in Norway? Cassia B. Trewin, Kirsti V. Hjerkind, Anna L.V. Johansson, Bjørn Heine Strand, Giske Ursin |
Reliable comparisons of basis of diagnosis among registries needs age standardisation: harmonising actions necessary. Francesco Giusti, Emanuele Crocetti, Carmen Martos, Giorgia Randi, Raquel N. Carvalho, Nadya Dimitrova, Luciana Neamtiu, Tadek Dyba, Manola Bettio |
Impact of comorbidities at diagnosis on prostate cancer treatment and survival. Katarina L Matthes, Manuela Limam, Giulia Pestoni, Leonhard Held, Dimitri Korol, Sabine Rohrmann |
Just how rare are rare lymphoid malignancies in Europe? Findings from RARECAREnet. Charlene M. McShane, Lesley A. Anderson, on behalf of RARECAREnet working group |
Mortality trends of breast and cervical cancers in Poland during the first decade of the national population screenings. Dorota Dudek-Godeau, Ryszard Me˛ z˙ yk, Katarzyna Kwiatkowska, Aleksandra Gliniewicz, Anna Zielin´ska, Magdalena Bielska-Lasota |
European countries with partial cancer registration coverage: how to estimate national incidence? Giorgia Randi, Tadek Dyba, Carmen Martos, Francesco Giusti, Emanuele Crocetti, Luciana Neamtiu, Nadya Dimitrova, Raquel N. Carvalho, Nicholas Nicholson, Manola Bettio |
The software COMPREV 3.0: a tool to quantify cancer burden by means of Complete Prevalence estimation. Anna Gigli, Silvia Francisci |
Clinical databases and population based cancer registries |
Cancer clinical research should join forces with registries on long-term outcome research – a showcase of EORTC-IKNL Lifang Liu, Anouk Neven, Maja V. Maraldo, Francesco Giusti, Catherine Fortpied, Laurence Collette, Otto Visser |
High resolution registry of melanoma and care pathways monitoring in the Veneto Region, Italy. Stefano Guzzinati, Zorzi Manuel, Rossi Carlo Riccardo, Buja Alessandra, Italiano Irene, Fiore Anna Rita, Dal Cin Antonella, Baracco Maddalena, Martin Giancarla, Rugge Massimo |
Supporting local NHS decision-making in Wales with profiles of cancer incidence and prevalence at Cluster Network level. Tamsin Long, Claire Wright, Dyfed Huws, Ceri White, Rebecca Thomas, Kelly Shiell-Davis, Adele Oddy, David Egan |
Development of an algorithm using administrative data to estimate recurrence of ovarian cancer in Belgium. Hava Izci, Harlinde De Schutter, Jérôme Xicluna, An Poppe, Hans Wildiers, Ignace Vergote, Patrick Neven |
Myeloproliferative neoplasms– incidence, prevalence and survival across Europe. Laura Cowan, Anna T. Gavin, Eileen Morgan, Charlene M. McShane, Lesley A Anderson, on behalf of RARECAREnet working group |
Investigating characteristics of women with Breast Cancer Recurrence in Northern Ireland (NI). Victoria Cairnduff, Laura Dwyer, David Donnelly, Colm Burns, Anna Gavin |
Characteristics of pancreatic cancer and survival by stage: a population-based study from the Girona cancer registry. Maria Carmen Carmona-Garcia, Adelaida García-Velasco, Raquel Liñán, Noa Calavia Sió, Anna Fàbrega Ribas, Marta Solans, M. Loreto Vilardell, Rafael Marcos-Gragera |
Quality indicators for lung cancer care in canton Ticino (southern Switzerland), 2015-2016. Laura Ortelli, Alessandra Spitale, Paola Mazzola, Simona Peverelli, Andrea Bordoni |
Quality evaluation of breast cancer screening canton Ticino in southern Switzerland through cancer registry data. Alessandra Spitale, Laura Ortelli, Nadia Riso, Agnese Bonetti, Simona Peverelli, Andrea Bordoni |
Second malignant neoplasms after a childhood cancer in the Comunitat Valenciana region, Spain. Marisa Vicente-Raneda, Nieves Fuster-Camarena, Consol Sabater-Gregori, Paloma Botella-Rocamora, Emilia Banqueri-Guerrero, Jordi Pérez-Panadés, Fernando Almela-Vich, Javier Peñalver-Herrero, Carmen Alberich-Martí |
Odisseia, an oncology disease information system – integrating information from different sources. Luis Antunes, Francisco Rocha Gonçalves, Maria José Bento |
Systemic treatment in non metastatic breast cancer in Belgium: does age influence intercenter heterogeneity? Lien van Walle, Nancy Van Damme, Harlinde De Schutter, François Duhoux, Evandro de Azambuja, Hans Wildiers, Peter Vuylsteke, Annelore Barbeaux, Didier Verhoeven, Liesbet Van Eycken |
Mortality among non-operated colon cancer patients in Denmark. Jane Christensen, Peter Ingeholm, Mette Yilmaz, Ole Andersen, Thea H Degett, Søren Rafaelsen, Lene H Iversen |
Recent trends in incidence of non-melanoma skin cancers pathology reports in Northern Ireland. Eileen Morgan, Angela Alani, Collette McCourt, Deirdre Fitzpatrick, Anna Gavin, Olivia Dolan |
Higher values of five-year survival as an advantage resulting from starting treatment in the oncological center. Kamila Kepska, Jerzy Blaszczyk, Adam Maciejczyk |
Population-based incidence of lymphoid neoplasms according to WHO 2008 classification: results from the Girona province Rafael Marcos-Gragera, Marta Solans, Anna Fàbrega, David Morea, Carme Auñon, Josep María Roncero, Antonio Blanco, Nichollas Kelleher, Joan Buch, Loreto Vilardell |
Involvement of European cancer registries in measuring Patient Reported Outcome Measures in colorectal cancer. Luciana Neamtiu, Silvia Deandrea, Liisa Pylkkanen |
Quality indicators for lung cancer care in canton Ticino (southern Switzerland), 2015-2016. Ylva Maria Gjelsvik, Tor Åge Myklebust, Sophie Dorothea Fosså, Erik Skaaheim Haug, Rune Kvåle, Marjolein Memelink Iversen, Jan Franz Nygård, Kristin Hoel Brenden, Giske Ursin, Tom Børge Johannesen |
Model to evaluate the impact of ERNs by linking PBCRs and CDBs. The JARC study. Adela Cañete, Rafael Peris-Bonet, Gemma Gatta, Ricardo Cappocacia, Annalisa Trama, Kathy Pritchard Jones, Linkage Study Working Group |
Biobanks and cancer registries |
The role of viral agents in the progression from Barrett’s oesophagus to oesophageal adenocarcinoma. Andrew Kunzmann, Massimo Tommasino, Tarik Gheit, Robbie Wilson, Jackie Jamison, Jaqueline James, Brian Johnston, Damian McManus, Lesley Anderson |
The NICRs experience of the TNM8 Oropharyngeal p16+ Staging System. Sinead Lardner, Lesley Anderson, Anna Gavin, Jacqueline Napier, Jackie Kelly, Marsha Magee, Paula Darragh |
Data quality, control, and standards for cancer registries |
Automatic extraction of Gleason combined score, primary and secondary grades from written pathology reports. Kris Henau, Antoine Pironet, Nancy Van Damme, Liesbet Van Eycken |
United Kingdom and Ireland Association of Cancer Registries (UKIACR) performance indicators 2018 report. Ceri White, UKIACR Analysis Group, UKIACR Executive Committee |
Quality checks after automated cancer coding. Minna Merikivi, Niko Lavonen, Nea Malila |
Role of cancer registry workers in improving the documentation of cancer staging data. Maciej Trojanowski, Łukasz Taraszkiewicz, Barbara Wieckowska, Anna Kubiak, Piotr Radomyski, Urszula Wojciechowska |
The lack of clinical notifications in Finnish Cancer Registry. Henna Degerlund, Tiina Hakanen, Nea Malila |
DCN, DCI and DCO in the Cancer Registry of Norway. Marianne Brenn Jerm, Tom Børge Johannesen, Siri Larønningen, Tor Åge Myklebust, Bjørn Møller |
High Resolution Studies– an opportunity to increase data quality in the Greater Poland Cancer Registry. Anna Kubiak, Maciej Trojanowski, Łukasz Taraszkiewicz, Piotr Radomyski, Michał Oko, Witold Kycler |
The impact of breast cancer screening on cancer staging at diagnosis in the Greater Poland region. Łukasz Taraszkiewicz, Agnieszka Dyzmann-Sroka, Maciej Trojanowski, Barbara Wie˛ ckowska, Piotr Radomyski, Anna Kubiak, Witold Kycler |
The impact of administrative reforms on quality of cancer registration: an example of Latvian Cancer Registry. Una Kojalo, Santa Pildava, Ieva Strele |
Improving registration of rare cancers: the proposal of the Joint Action on Rare Cancers (JARC). Annalisa Trama, Gemma Gatta, Liesbet Van Eycken, Otto Visser, María Dolores Chirlaque-López, Carmen Navarro-Sánchez, Rafael Marcos-Gragera, Paul Walsh, Carmen López-Briones, Riccardo Capocaccia |
Evolution and differences in coding basis of diagnosis among European Cancer Registries. Francesco Giusti, Carmen Martos, Emanuele Crocetti, Giorgia Randi, Raquel N. Carvalho, Nadya Dimitrova, Luciana Neamtiu, Tadek Dyba, Manola Bettio |
Digital Archiving for improving data quality management in Cancer Registries. Begoña Sanchez-Royo, David P. Anderson, Jaime Kaminski, Janet Anderson |

ENCR chairs with the poster award winners
1st Place |
Quality indicators for lung cancer care in canton Ticino (southern Switzerland), 2015-2016. Laura Ortelli, Alessandra Spitale, Paola Mazzola, Simona Peverelli, Andrea Bordoni |
2nd Place |
Development of an algorithm to estimate recurrence of ovarian cancer in Belgium using administrative data. Hava Izci, Harlinde De Schutter, Hans Wildiers, Jérôme Xicluna, Jessica Vandeven, Julie Verbeeck, Lynn Jongen, An Poppe, Adriaan Vanderstichele, Ignace Vergote, Patrick Neven |
3rd Place |
Systemic treatment in non-metastatic breast cancer in Belgium: does age influence intercenter heterogeneity? Lien van Walle, Nancy Van Damme, Harlinde De Schutter, François Duhoux, Evandro de Azambuja, Hans Wildiers, Peter Vuylsteke, Annelore Barbeaux, Didier Verhoeven, Liesbet Van Eycken |