New rules for the election of ENCR Steering Committee members have been approved at the 69th ENCR Steering Committee meeting on 17 January 2019. These rules will be applied at the next elections, in 2021. See more information here.
  The technical report describes the ECIS web-application, released in February 2018. - Description and framework of the European Cancer Information System and the ECIS web application - Getting started with the ECIS web application - Description of the projects and studies included in the ECIS… more
The IPAAC Joint Action INNOVATIVE PARTNERSHIP FOR ACTION AGAINST CANCER started on April 1st 2018 and involves 40 partners from 24 European countries. The Italian-led IPAAC WP on Cancer Information and Registries sets to pilot the integration of population based cancer registry datasets with… more
New EU data protection rules (the General Data Protection Regulation - GDPR) regulate the processing by an individual, a company, a public administration or another organisation, of personal data relating to individuals in the EU. The ENCR Steering Committee invites all Directors of Cancer… more
The European Cancer Information System (ECIS) was launched on the occasion of the World Cancer Day, on 4th February 2018. ECIS is a web-based tool conceived and developed by the JRC to report and disseminate cancer burden indicators at… more