Registration of treatment variables, 13 Nov 2023, Granada - Presentations available

Availability of treatment data and their level of detail vary substantially between Population Based Cancer Registries. The aim of the ENCR workshop was to present and discuss the recommendations for the collection and recording of treatment variables, compiled by the European Working Group on Treatment Data Harmonisation. Classification systems, terminology and data sources were discussed and related to the treatment modalities, i.e. surgery, radiotherapy and systemic therapy (chemotherapy, targeted therapy, hormonal therapy, immunotherapy, etc.).

The workshop took place as a side event to the ENCR-IACR Scientific Conference in Granada, Spain.


Detailed programme from ENCR workshop on Registration of treatment variables in Population-Based Cancer Registries, 13 November 2023
ENCR Workshop on Treatment variables in Population-Based Cancer Registries, 13th November 2023
Welcome and introduction to the workshop
Liesbet van Eycken
Belgian Cancer Registry, ENCR Steering Committee
Treatment data availability. Working Group on treatment data harmonisation in European cancer registries: Overview of first ENCR recommendations
Francesco Giusti
Belgian Cancer Registry
Data sources in Surgery: Classifications for Billing or Coding (ICD-9-CM, ICD-10-PCS, ICHI) versus Standard Terminology (SNoMed-CT)
Filip Ameye
Belgian Cancer Registry
Terminology and cornerstones to describe radiotherapy. Data sources, classifications and practical tools to collect information
Lien van Walle
Belgian Cancer Registry
Systemic therapy (chemotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, hormonal therapy
Otto Visser
Netherlands Cancer Registry, , ENCR Steering Committee
Discussion and Conclusion