Welcome to the ENCR Newsflash - June 2022
This is the newsflash of the European Network of Cancer Registries, produced by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, hosting the ENCR Secretariat. The newsflash is issued 4-6 times a year, informing of the most recent developments and activities relevant for the European cancer registries.
Data Call to update ECIS - submission open
The new Call for Data is open. The JRC and the ENCR invite the European Cancer Registries to submit their data according to the protocol in order to update the European Cancer Information System.
Collaboration agreement ENCR - JRC
Signatures of the collaboration agreement between the ENCR-affiliated members and the JRC is ongoing. The registry legal representatives are invited to sign the agreement and send it back to the JRC, following the instructions provided in the communication. Please contact the ENCR Secretariat in case of any issue.
ENCR-JRC Management Committee
The JRC-ENCR Management Committee has been established in 2022 to coordinate the collaboration between the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission and the European Network of Cancer Registries (ENCR)-affiliated members.
Survey about registration practices of childhood cancer and its late effects among ENCR members
The Slovenian cancer registry is conducting a short survey with the aim to better understand the level of detail of data on registered paediatric cancer cases in Europe.
The main purpose is to identify registries that have or are planning to have detailed data on paediatric cancer patients and furthermore, if any registries have or are planning to have in place systematic registration of late effects of childhood cancer treatment for potential collaboration in the future.
We kindly ask you to fill out the survey, which will take about 5-10 minutes.
If you have any questions, please contact Ana Mihor at amihor@onko-i.si. Deadline: 31 July 2022
Covid-19 impact on cancer cases recorded in 2020 and comparison with cancer incidence estimates
The JRC and the ENCR are investigating the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the cancer cases recorded in 2020 across European countries and possible differences with 2020 cancer burden estimates.
If your Cancer Registry is interested in participating in this comparison exercise with aggregated final or preliminary cancer incidence and mortality data for 2020, please contact us at JRC-ENCR@ec.europa.eu
Research topic on Data Quality and Harmonization: manuscript submission still possible
Manuscript submission is still possible for the Research Topic on Data Quality and Harmonization Among European Population-Based Cancer Registries. Deadlines have been updated: submission of abstracts is now 5 July 2022 and submission of the full manuscript is 4 October 2022.
Job Vacancy: Healthcare quality activities on cancer
The European Commission Joint Research Centre, Health in Society Unit is looking for a scientific/technical project officer assisting in the healthcare quality activities on cancer. The deadline for application is the 30th June 2022.
Recording and Reporting of Urothelial Tumours - endorsed
The ENCR Steering Committee endorsed the new recommendation on Recording and Reporting of Urothelial Tumours, concluding the work initiated by the dedicated working group. The new recommendation is published in the website in both English and Spanish.
Date of incidence - French translation available
The ENCR recommendation for coding date of incidence, recently endorsed by the ENCR Steering Committee, is now available also in French.
SIOP 2022, Sep 28-Oct 1 2022, Barcelona, Spain (online)
The 54th Congress of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology is an opportunity to advance your Paediatric Oncology career, connect with like-minded people and contribute to a world where no child should die of cancer. Early Bird Registration Deadline for SIOP2022 is July 7, 2022, while the Late-Breaking Abstract Submission Deadline is August 15, 2022.
Ask an expert
The Ask an Expert section is available on the ENCR website for those who wish to submit questions about difficult-to-code cancer cases. Questions submitted through a dedicated form will be answered by the appropriate expert. The most frequently asked questions about coding may be added in the future to a FAQ's list on the ENCR website.
ENCR e-learning modules are accredited and aim to facilitate the training of cancer registrars in coding topography, morphology and cancer stage, implementing the relevant international classifications.
79th ENCR SC meeting
The 79th ENCR Steering Committee meeting took place on 22 February 2022 by a successful videoconference. A summary of the minutes is available in the ENCR website.
80th ENCR SC meeting
The 80th ENCR Steering Committee meeting took place on 8 June 2022. A summary of the minutes will be available soon.
Don't hesitate to send us relevant news and events that may feature in the next issue of the ENCR newsflash.
ENCR Secretariat
European Commission - DG Joint Research Centre
Directorate F – Health, Consumers and Reference Materials
Health in Society Unit
Via Enrico Fermi 2749, TP 127
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