ENCR Members contact list

The European Network of Cancer Registries (ENCR), established within the framework of the Europe Against Cancer Programme of the European Commission, has been in operation since 1990.


Tuscany Region Tumor Registry All ages registriesAll sites registriesPopulation: 1250000 (Year: 2011)
Director: Dr. Adele Caldarella Institute: Istituto per lo studio e la prevenzione oncologica - ISPO Department: UO Epidemiologia clinica e descrittiva Address: Via Elle Oblate n.2, Palazzina 28/A , 50141 Firenze
Umbrian Tumor Registry All ages registriesAll sites registries
Director: Prof. Fabrizio Stracci Institute: Università di Perugia Department: Dipartimento di specialità medico-chirurgiche e sanità pubblica Address: Via del Giochetto, 6100 Perugia Website: www.rtup.unipg.it
Aosta Valley Cancer Registry All ages registriesAll sites registriesPopulation: 128238 (Year: 2015)
Director: Dr. Maurizio Castelli Email: registrotumori@ausl.vda.it
Veneto Cancer Registry All ages registriesAll sites registriesPopulation: 2358770 (Year: 2013)
Director: Prof. Marta Sbaraglia Institute: Azienda Zero - Regione del Veneto Address: Via Jacopo Avanzo 35 - Padova Website: www.registrotumoriveneto.it Email: registro.tumori@azero.veneto.it


Latvian Cancer Register All ages registriesAll sites registriesPopulation: 2001468 (Year: 2013)
Director: Dr. Elina Liepina Institute: The Centre for Disease Prevention and Control Department: Registers Supervision Unit Address: Duntes street 22 Riga Website: www.spkc.gov.lv


Lithuanian Cancer Registry All ages registriesAll sites registries
Director: Dr. Giedre Smailyte Institute: Institute of Oncology, Vilnius University Department: Cancer Control and Prevention Centre Address: P.Baublio g. 3B Vilnius


Morphological Tumour Registry All ages registriesAll sites registries
Director: Dr. Gaël Hammer Institute: Laboratoire national de santé (LNS) E.P. Department: Registre Morphologique des Tumeurs (RMT) Address: 1, rue Louis Rech L-3555 Dudelange, B.P. 72 Dudelange Website: www.lns.lu Email: rmt@lns.etat.lu
Cancer Registry of Luxembourg All ages registriesAll sites registries
Director: Sophie Couffignal, Operational Director/Claudine Backes, Scientific Director Institute: Luxembourg Institute of Health (L.I.H.) Department: Registre National du Cancer Address: 1A-1B rue Thomas Edison Strassen Website: www.rnc.lu Email: info@rnc.lu


Malta National Cancer Register All ages registriesAll sites registriesPopulation: 400000 (Year: 2013)
Director: Dr. Neville Calleja Institute: Department of Health Information and Research Department: Malta National Cancer Registry Address: 95 Guardamangia Hill G''Mangia Website: www.deputyprimeminister.gov.mt


Registry of Malignant Neoplasms of Montenegro All ages registriesAll sites registries
Director: Dr. Rajko Strahinja Institute: Institute of Public Health in Montenegro