ENCR Newsflash September 2022

Welcome to the ENCR Newsflash - September 2022
This is the newsflash of the European Network of Cancer Registries, produced by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, hosting the ENCR Secretariat. The newsflash is issued 4-6 times a year, informing of the most recent developments and activities relevant for the European cancer registries.
Job Vacancy: Public Health Data Analyst
The European Commission Joint Research Centre, Health in Society Unit is looking for an epidemiologist with expertise in information technology for its Cancer Information group, to provide scientific and technical support to the European Cancer Information System (ECIS). Support to, and cooperation with the European Network of Cancer Registries (ENCR) will be a key aspect towards improving the quality, reliability and comparability of cancer data.
The position is at the EC JRC site in Ispra, Italy.
Deadline for application: 19/09/2022

Data Call to update ECIS - reminder
The new Call for Data is open. The JRC and the ENCR invite the European Cancer Registries to submit their data according to the protocol in order to update the European Cancer Information System.

Collaboration agreement ENCR - JRC reminder
Signatures of the collaboration agreement between the ENCR-affiliated members and the JRC is still ongoing. The registry legal representatives are invited to sign the agreement and send it back to the JRC, following the instructions provided in the communication. Please contact the ENCR Secretariat in case of any issue.
Recording and Reporting of Urothelial Tumours - translations available
The recommendation on Recording and Reporting of Urothelial Tumours, recently endorsed by the ENCR is now available also in Spanish and French.

Recording of Ukrainian (and other) refugees data
In many European countries, the number of migrants (including refugees) is increasing and cancer registries have to decide whether to register these migrants or not.
For population-based cancer registries the following rules should be applied:
- An incident cancer in a legal resident of the area of the cancer registry should be registered (even if the diagnosis and/or treatment is outside the area)
- If a person with cancer was not a legal resident of the area at the date of incidence, the cancer does not have to be registered. If however, for some reason, the cancer is registered, it should not be included in the cancer incidence.
The moment that a refugee becomes a legal resident is different for each country and therefore no recommendation can be made for the registration of refugees in general.
Ask an expert
The Ask an Expert section is available on the ENCR website for those who wish to submit questions about difficult-to-code cancer cases. Questions submitted through a dedicated form will be answered by the appropriate expert. The most frequently asked questions about coding may be added in the future to a FAQ's list on the ENCR website.

ENCR e-learning modules are accredited and aim to facilitate the training of cancer registrars in coding topography, morphology and cancer stage, implementing the relevant international classifications.

Don't hesitate to send us relevant news and events that may feature in the next issue of the ENCR newsflash.
ENCR Secretariat
European Commission - DG Joint Research Centre
Directorate F – Health, Consumers and Reference Materials
Health in Society Unit
Via Enrico Fermi 2749, TP 127